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3 Reasons Why Interview Feedback Matters

  • May 11, 2021

One of the biggest bugbears we hear from candidates about the recruitment process is not receiving feedback when they have been unsuccessful.  Job seeking can be stressful and an emotional time, we all know how much effort goes into preparing and researching for an interview.  Not only can it be disappointing when you find out that you did not get the job you had set your heart on, there is nothing more frustrating for candidates than walking away with no feedback on why they have been unsuccessful.

Interview feedback is not only extremely useful to candidates. It can also benefit your organisation long-term.

Here are three reasons why interview feedback is important:

1. Feedback can help candidates get another job

Providing candidates with constructive feedback following an interview may help the candidate improve their interviewing technique.  They may not be the right fit for your role however your feedback can help improve their chances of securing the next vacancy they apply for.

2. It is great PR for your business

We all know how long it takes to prepare for an interview, not to mention any additional tests or presentations required as part of the recruitment process.  It is important that this is recognised, and the candidate is thanked for their time and interest in your organisation.

Word of mouth is a powerful thing, and if a company fails to provide interview feedback, candidates are sure to let people know.  It is not uncommon for individuals to air their grievances on a public platform such as LinkedIn or Glass door.  Whereas detailed and useful interview feedback can be an extremely effective marketing tool for your company.

Treating job applicants with respect increases the possibility of them leaving your business a positive review.

3. Potential Future Candidate

It is always worth bearing in mind that although a candidate may not be right for your business now that does not mean to say that after a few years more experience they may be perfect for another vacancy.  Do not risk losing them to another organisation because they have remembered a bad experience with yours in the past.